Welcome to the Texas
Coalition (TALC) and Clearinghouse! 

This website contains information about the Texas Active for Life® Coalition (TALC) including its mission, structure, partners, and activities. Housed within the Texas A&M Center for Population Health and Aging (CPHA), the TALC is a statewide coalition with an overarching mission to keep Texans “active for life… Everyone! Every age! Every day!”
Falls and chronic conditions are interrelated with similar roots and major risk factors (biological, behavioral, and environmental factors). Therefore, rather than having multiple coalitions for different purposes (fall prevention, disease self-management, physical activity, mental health, caregiving), the TALC serves as an umbrella coalition to engage diverse stakeholders to collectively create solutions to promote healthful aging.
This website also serves as a Clearinghouse to house a comprehensive set of resources for: (1) those interested in adopting evidence-based programs (EBP) for older adults; (2) those already offering EBP for older adults in their community; and (3) those looking to expand their efforts to reach new populations and areas.
We are interested in your Feedback!
Please contact us or send an email to healthyaging@tamhsc.edu to:
- Join the TALC
- Recommend a new resource for the Clearinghouse
- Receive the CPHA monthly newsletter
- Inform us about a healthy aging event in your community