Fit and Strong! (Title III-D Program)

Fit and Strong! is a community-based physical activity/behavior change intervention offering stretching, balance, aerobic, and endurance exercises. Health education, problem solving, and goal setting are also important components of Fit and Strong. The program was designed to target sedentary older adults who are experiencing lower-extremity joint pain and stiffness. Fit and Strong! classes are 90 minutes, 3 times per week, for 8 weeks and are delivered by a certified exercise instructor.

  • Program Goals:
  • -Manage lower-extremity osteoarthritis through engagement in safe, balanced program of physical activity that builds lower extremity strength


  • Target Audience:
  • -Sedentary older adults who are experiencing lower-extremity joint pain and stiffness and have received physician clearance to participate in exercise


  • Program Description:
  • -8 weeks
  • -3 times per week
  • -90 minutes per session


  • Program Delivery:
  • -Fit and Strong! Master Trainers


Contact information

  • Fit & Strong! Team
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Institute for Health Research and Policy
  • Center for Research on Health and Aging, M/C 275
  • 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd., Rm. 558
  • Chicago, IL 60608
  • Phone: (312) 413-9810
  • Toll Free: 1 (866) 750-8731
  • Website:

Reference Material

  • Hughes, S.L., Seymour, R.B., Campbell, R.T., Huber, G., Pollak, N., Sharma, L. (2006). Long-term impact of Fit and Strong! on older adults with osteoarthritis. The Gerontologist, 46(6), 801-814.